Embracing the Unknown with Pema Chödrön

A Four-Part Course on Letting Go and Welcoming Change

It's more than likely that you've heard of The Tibetan Book of the Dead. But what can this famous religious text tell you about living? Even though it is an intrinsic and unavoidable part of life, our culture as a whole doesn't like to talk about death. For many of us, the concept is not only frightening, but nearly taboo—a grim shadow overhanging everything, silent and dreadful.

But it doesn't have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn't.

When you've engaged in deep Buddhist practice, it's impossible not to become familiar with The Tibetan Book of the Dead. This extraordinary text—part of a much larger cycle of foundational teachings—details a specific Buddhist view on what happens to you after death.

Specifically, the Book of the Dead explores the concept of bardo, the in-between space that opens beyond death and leads eventually into reincarnation. The bardo is not simply a Buddhist analogue to the Christian concept of Purgatory. Indeed, the state of bardo does not wait for you at some unknown moment in the future; it is already here, woven throughout the liminal spaces of our days. And when you come to understand that, enormous opportunities for awakening become available to you.


  • Nine Hours of Audio and Video Training - Across four major sessions, both Pema and her trusted teaching partner, Tim Olsmtead, will guide you on a journey beyond death and into the heart of the bardo.
  • Lifetime Access - For as long as you have an internet connection, you can access this course at any time and in any place you need it.
  • Plus These Two Bonuses...
  • Liberation Upon Hearing in the Between: Living with the Tibetan Book of the Dead - Robert Thurman, considered one of greatest scholars of Buddhist thought in the West, presents a downloadable audiobook that illuminates the Book of the Dead.
  • Walking the Walk: Putting the Teachings into Practice When It Matters Most - In this downloadable audio presentation, Ani Pema details how to cross the gulf between spiritual theory and applied, everyday application of those principles.


Pema Chödrön

Pema Chödrön is an American-born Buddhist nun and the author of many modern-day spiritual classics, including The Wisdom of No Escape, Start Where You Are, When Things Fall Apart, The Places that Scare You, No Time To Lose, Practicing Peace in Times of War, How to Meditate, and Living Beautifully. She serves as resident teacher at Gampo Abbey Monastery in Nova Scotia. For more information, visit



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MARKETING WINDOW: March 8 - Evergreen

FREE Q&A with Pema Chödrön OPT-IN

Embracing the Unknown Live Q&A with Pema Chödrön

Join beloved Buddhist teacher Pema Chödrön for a LIVE audio call on how to live in times of uncertainty and immense change. Sign up today and you can ask Ani Pema your deepest and most pressing questions during the broadcast. 

Join Ani Pema as she explains . . .

  • The Inevitability of Change - Pema explains the Buddhist notion of impermanence and emphasizes that attachment to material things is a cause of suffering.
  • The Power of "In Between" - Though it can be uncomfortable feeling as if you're stuck between important moments, there is untapped strength in life's "gaps."
  • The Lessons of Death - Death is the final change we all experience in this life, and we often avoid thinking on it. But according to Pema, thinking on death can yield immense self-knowledge.

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  • Learn about the Buddhist notion of impermanence and emphasizes that attachment to material things is a cause of suffering in a FREE Q&A with Pema Chödrön on. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK FOR FREE OPT IN PAGE]
  • Register now for a free Q&A with Pema Chödrön and discover the lessons of death, how thinking on death can yield immense self-knowledge. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK FOR FREE OPT IN PAGE]
  • Explore the power of "In Between" with Pema Chödrön in a free, rare pre-recorded Q&A session. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK FOR FREE OPT IN PAGE]

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  • Discover the truth of the Bardo and find out how being between an ending and a beginning gives us an unparalleled opportunity for transformation with Pema Chodron's online course Embracing the Unknown. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK FOR THE SALES PAGE]
  • Learn how to let go by honoring the difficult emotions of fear, sadness, and grief with an open and curious heart with Pema Chodron's online course Embracing the Unknown. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK FOR THE SALES PAGE]
  • Delve deeply into the question of rebirth by looking closely at this concept and how it arises in our moment-to-moment experience with Pema Chodron's online course Embracing the Unknown. [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK FOR THE SALES PAGE]
  • Explore how to prepare for the inevitable with meditation techniques and everyday practices for befriending change, groundlessness, and the unknown with Pema Chodron's online course Embracing the Unknown . [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK FOR THE SALES PAGE]

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